Maintaining Your Trees: How to Keep Them Healthy and Beautiful
Tips to Keep Your Trees Looking Great
If you’re like most people, you probably think of trees as beautiful additions to your landscape. Not only do they add color and life to an area, but they can also provide shade and privacy. Trees are a valuable asset to any property, which is why it’s important to keep them healthy and well-maintained. Columbia Tree Co. – Tree Service is important for keeping your trees healthy and protected from diseases.
Some common tree diseases include anthracnose, fungal canker, and verticillium wilt of maple trees which are caused by bacteria or fungi that live in soil near roots; these pathogens enter through small wounds made when pruning branches back to size (or large ones if not done properly).
Anthracnose is characterized by dark brown spots appearing on leaves while fungal canker causes white growths around infected areas followed eventual leaf drop due to lack of nutrients being absorbed into foliage – this may lead death within two years!
Verticillium Wilt itself does not kill any plant types but causes their leaves to turn yellowish green before browning off totally.
It’s important that these three diseases get treated quickly so as not minimize damage done by pathogens present in soil near roots; also make sure there are no large wounds made while pruning branches back down which can lead death within two years if left untreated!
In order to keep your trees healthy and well-maintained, you should always check for signs of disease – especially when the weather is warm or rainy since these conditions promote growth of fungi that cause anthracnose (a dark brown spotting) on leaves while fungal canker produces white growths around infected areas followed eventual leaf drop due lack nutrients being absorbed into foliage.
This may lead death within two years if left untreated! It’s important these three diseases get treated quickly so as not minimize damage done by pathogens present soil near roots; also make sure there are no large wounds made while pruning branches back down which can lead death within two years if left untreated.